Saturday, August 1, 2009

LOL withdrawn from UTAR???

Well, i received a letter from UTAR.... it says
Dear Loh Tien Yeong,
(Please be informed that your name has been deleted from the Uni record due to arrears of tuition fees payable)
So i went to finance department, they said that they already called my phone for many times but no one is picking up... lol wtf la, my phone is 24hours on n always by my side, I would know if anyone called me! The fact is i just received only 1called on Friday n never been informed before that!
What can i say about that, maybe the lazy stuffs there didn't do their work! What a low system of UTAR. Now everything is being hold, hopes to get good news from UTAR this mondayzz. If I really got deemed withdrawn from UTAR, i would never wanted to come back to this system low school again.

Today, my mom finally trust me in my driving and let me drive alone. Wow, so happy hahaha!!! Finally can drive !!!! hahaha... and the first person i fetch is my beloved xiang en... hope she feels comfortable haha

明天有一个 ''Malaysian & Portuguese Song and Dance''的项目,所以我就约了我的最爱。可是怎知当天她有工作,所以我也有点失望,但过后突然间她请了假,我也有点吓到。真的很感动也很开心一下哈哈,谢谢她因为请了假而陪我。 希望她明天可以非常享受然后可以非常开心然后有个非常难忘的夜晚哈哈。

Thursday, July 30, 2009


最近真的是太多太多东西做了哈哈,要忙学校一大堆的assignment、考试。 睡觉、和她见面的时间都变少了。真的有点喘不过气来。不过还好啦,只要笑一笑就没什么大不了嘛,做人就是应该以积极的态度来面对问题,不然烦恼就会很多,白头发也会逐渐出来哦···

其实世界上没有一个人是十全十美的,但不管一个人多不美都好,他至少都会有十全八美呀,因为他只有可能没有内在美和外在美咯哈哈。当我们爱一个人时,我们应该包容他的缺点, 改变自己,而不是改变他人。就算她只有十全七美,我也爱她。

有读书的人不一定会成功,没读书的人不一定没成就。大家一起为自己的梦想而奋斗吧! 没有梦想也可以努力寻找自己的梦想啊!大家一起加油加油!

真的很想念她,好爱她。(gambateh gambateh