Wednesday, September 30, 2009



但考试结束了啦,哈哈,虽然都不是很会做,或有些可以说根本不会做,但就希望我的CGPA可以高过2.0吧,pass pass 就 okay了!真不想重拿那些不喜欢的subject,浪费时间又浪费金钱。
就祝每个人,尤其是TB1,都有不错的成绩吧!yeah! yeah!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~!

哈哈哈,也很开心因为考完试了有人主办去Port Diskson旅行,虽然只是2天1夜,但真的是个很不错的vacation啦。要谢谢他们主办啦,哈哈,让每个人relax relax一下,听海波浪的声音,放下心里的包袱,也让我更认识TB1的每一位朋友。那些车挤8个人来回的旅程、一起玩水、BBQ、迈向灯塔、探险森林寻找老鹰,但却找到漂亮的大海、辛苦后喝的椰水、一个人看海emo的时间都是很享受的经验啦。哈哈哈 =)



Tuesday, September 1, 2009


我怎么了呢?? 以前的我是不会乱想东西的,是我变了吗??
哈哈 也对啦,其实没什么好想的
哈哈哈哈哈 yeah yeah yeah 以后再也不想不开心的事咯,有什么就说出来。

然后这几天其实都蛮开心の啦,因为天天都可以看到她呀,每天晚上都可以抱着她,听她说故事,也不懂做么她の故事总说不完哈哈,但幸好也蛮好听的啦,所以不会睡觉。昨晚也到她家count down merdeka,我们放了三个烟花,都是新年剩下的啦,boom,boom,boom,很快就放完了哈哈。过后故事又来了,哈哈zzzzz ,跟她在一起的时间就这样,总是很开心,很舒服,很快の就过了。

考试要到了,这次の考试很重要,不管怎样一定要合格,因为不合格の话......很多很多方面,真の是惨了。可是自己真の是什么都不会,都怪自己上课时不听课,回到家又不复习,现在才来后悔。不过还有点时间啦,天荣天荣,还来得及の,你能の,哈哈, 加油加油↖(^ω^)↗!!!!
yeah yeah yeah !!!
大家都要 gambate gambate 咯 哈哈!Go!Go!Go!

Friday, August 28, 2009

HELP Please =)

Anyone know which school have the course of CHEF or BAKER without SPM verification? =)
If know plz tell me...
all thanks.... ^__^

Friday, August 14, 2009


现在的天气都充满着浓浓的烟雾,让喜爱骑脚车的我有时骑着骑着,也感觉到呼吸困难,以前是不会这样的。加上愈来愈严重的流感H1N1, 已变成H3N,因烟雾使流感更加速蔓延。

还有现在经济也不是很好,到哪里都需要用$$$$ 钱 $$$$



Thanks God for everything......
God blessed all of YOU...... =)
Have a nice day......
n rmb to give becoz when u GIVE, u surely got back MORE than wad u gave.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Messy, SO Messy

After the whole day of rushing visual diary without sleeping on Thursday......
My room became like this.......

Hahaha so messy, but in the end cannot finish also......

luckily teacher gid us extra time until monday becoz she dun wan rubbish to be passing up!

But monday also cannot finish also swt hahaha......haiz haiz......

And yesterday, our swimming lesson has been cancel due to some reason. So we went to Subang Parade for our dinner.
Then we went to ''Toys r us'', lolz felt like becoming little baby again haha......
At there, we go to the part of barbie doll, and bring back so many memorize (her memorize only). After that, we go play with the baby house, hahaha quite fun......
Due to lacking of vegetables in my house, so I promised my mom to help her buy. Then, we went to carrefour to buy vegetables.......
Hahaha first time experience buy vegetable not with parents but with her......nice nice and happy haha
And today becoz of going to Sing K with my schoolmates, so i cancel the swimming lesson.
Hope she will not be angry with me....对不起,对不起...... smile smile =)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


这个星期真的是很忙,很多assignment 在这个拜五要交了。Economies,Computer Studies,Visual Diary 和Package Design都要这个星期交。

所以今晚我们组员就分工合作回家赶完 CS,希望可以在明天之前搞好。

但说到明天,唉...很伤心,不能陪我的爱人去游泳了,晚上她应该有去打篮球也陪不到她了,真的很想念她一下的,如果她在我身边多好哈哈 ^_^。

不过Eco如果没错的话 差不多都做到七七八八了吧!?!?!?!! ~.~

虽然油很贵,但是大家要加油加油咯!!! 哈哈哈!! 

Saturday, August 1, 2009

LOL withdrawn from UTAR???

Well, i received a letter from UTAR.... it says
Dear Loh Tien Yeong,
(Please be informed that your name has been deleted from the Uni record due to arrears of tuition fees payable)
So i went to finance department, they said that they already called my phone for many times but no one is picking up... lol wtf la, my phone is 24hours on n always by my side, I would know if anyone called me! The fact is i just received only 1called on Friday n never been informed before that!
What can i say about that, maybe the lazy stuffs there didn't do their work! What a low system of UTAR. Now everything is being hold, hopes to get good news from UTAR this mondayzz. If I really got deemed withdrawn from UTAR, i would never wanted to come back to this system low school again.

Today, my mom finally trust me in my driving and let me drive alone. Wow, so happy hahaha!!! Finally can drive !!!! hahaha... and the first person i fetch is my beloved xiang en... hope she feels comfortable haha

明天有一个 ''Malaysian & Portuguese Song and Dance''的项目,所以我就约了我的最爱。可是怎知当天她有工作,所以我也有点失望,但过后突然间她请了假,我也有点吓到。真的很感动也很开心一下哈哈,谢谢她因为请了假而陪我。 希望她明天可以非常享受然后可以非常开心然后有个非常难忘的夜晚哈哈。

Thursday, July 30, 2009


最近真的是太多太多东西做了哈哈,要忙学校一大堆的assignment、考试。 睡觉、和她见面的时间都变少了。真的有点喘不过气来。不过还好啦,只要笑一笑就没什么大不了嘛,做人就是应该以积极的态度来面对问题,不然烦恼就会很多,白头发也会逐渐出来哦···

其实世界上没有一个人是十全十美的,但不管一个人多不美都好,他至少都会有十全八美呀,因为他只有可能没有内在美和外在美咯哈哈。当我们爱一个人时,我们应该包容他的缺点, 改变自己,而不是改变他人。就算她只有十全七美,我也爱她。

有读书的人不一定会成功,没读书的人不一定没成就。大家一起为自己的梦想而奋斗吧! 没有梦想也可以努力寻找自己的梦想啊!大家一起加油加油!

真的很想念她,好爱她。(gambateh gambateh

Tuesday, July 21, 2009 HAPPY !!!

Well today i go to TAIPAN new open PIZZA HUT for dinner....Whao a few months din't eat pizza hut alrdy haha...but still don't like it,hate it thick bread lolzz haha ^__^......

Anyway, I'm so happy today...don't know why leh...???
So happy so happy so happy and so happy....
really really very very very happy....
seriously very happy hahaha....
lol SO lame....
but really seriuosly so damn happy =P

Sunday, July 19, 2009

What title titile wor...

Hmph......what a boring day for today, I stay a home for the wholeday doing nothing!!!
The plan to study became sleep,n sleep again,watch TV,computering,dreaming......LIFELESS

And yesterday, I went to Bon Odori festival...
Never thought it is so crowded hahaa...

Mushroom n cheese Sausage (so big),don't think of somewhere else =.=''

n many many more food!!! Should take more picture haha...forgot liao =P

勤劳, 负责任, 活泼, 温暖, 热情, 爱撒娇, 脾气臭,小气, 好玩, 小聪明, 想多多, 开放, 有爱心, 会分对错,嘴嘟嘟,太多形容不完……

不管你是怎样的人,我爱你。 =)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Test Test Test

Talk about test, there are so so so many test for this week.

Lol firstly--->

Car driving test...after mati engin for 2 times at 3point-turns, i never thought still can passed but...hallelujah...I passed !!! hahaha!!! and On-the-road, Malaysia boleh apa-apa pun boleh la...had to give them eat sweet if not they sure failed u... =P So happy when will my license come out hahaa !!!


UTAR midterm test (economies and public speaking)...bout economies, lolz 1 word, die...


My gf taking undang test...lolzz her test also counted as my test also la...

that day...she told me that she has failed the test, i was so worried and scared her to feel sad, so after school I straight go to MCD to find her. She actually waited me about an hours coz of someone wanted to go bank.(lol sorry my lady)

When I reached, I only knew that she was just kidding with me, she actually passed! When u trust a person for almost 100%, even there a small thing he/she lies to u unpurposely, u will feel sad coz all ur worried are actually extra..!

But we had a great time too at MCD lolz hahaa.....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

lol dui chu kun la

The new thing in my July 2009 life....

hhhhaaahahhhhaaaahahaa......BLOGGER???? Apa benda ini????......apa gunanya?????.......
izit to express our emotion........o.0!!!!!!
Yeah i found it out =)